13Viral VideosGroup bury themselves in sand and sing 'SpongeBob' in Milano Marittima, ItalyAugust 27, 2024132
2:27Viral VideosExtraordinary Landspout Tornado Footage Captured In Alberta || NewsflareJune 7, 2024232
14Viral VideosCute wombat approaches Australian woman and curiously sniffs her phoneApril 30, 2024126
43Viral VideosFootage shows a firefighter proposing to his girlfriend - at his pass out paradeApril 30, 2024142
15Viral VideosFunny grandpa tries to give granddaughter money to replace her distressed jeansApril 29, 2024163
06Viral VideosRogue wave splashes over railing and drenches woman snacking on baguetteApril 29, 2024140
09Viral VideosInfluencer posing against porta potty get hit by door when occupant kicks it openApril 29, 2024199
10Viral Videos"Whaaat!?" Man caught off guard when squirrel digging hole starts twerkingApril 25, 2024156
30Viral VideosOnce in a lifetime memory! Woman spots whales nearby while paddleboarding in AntarticaApril 25, 2024117
31Viral VideosInstant regret! Man sits down hard on roof of Tesla and shatters the glassApril 25, 2024106
06Viral VideosNYC driver causes a scene loudly driving around with boot lock on vehicle tireApril 25, 2024142
23Viral VideosHide and Seek shenanigans at large as woman's playful trick leaves pup in confusionApril 17, 2024120
38Viral VideosAnimal chiropractor faces his biggest challenge - cracking a giraffe's neckApril 10, 202497
1:03Viral VideosMother saves daughter from flying debris as severe weather hits southern ChinaApril 10, 2024161
11Viral VideosStartling footage appears to capture lightning striking airplane in CaliforniaApril 10, 2024128
3:37Viral VideosHMM Helsinki giant 400-metre container ship arrives on River Thames, UKFebruary 16, 2024117
57Viral VideosHuge quantities of snow cascade down a mountain in Telluride, ColoradoFebruary 14, 202491
3:00Viral VideosGirl lets her boyfriend do her makeup...with surprisingly good resultsFebruary 14, 2024107
26Viral VideosUnexpected encounter: snake slithers across windshield during drive to visit hospitalFebruary 9, 202496
43Viral VideosPet cat stealthily slides out of room as owner tries to keep him insideFebruary 8, 2024136
1:01Viral VideosCute cat holds hairbrush and forcefully rubs face against bristlesFebruary 7, 20241,305
1:09Viral VideosClever dog practises for world record by putting coins inside a bottleFebruary 6, 2024115
1:48Viral VideosLocals in tears as they escape deadly wildfires in Chile on pickup truckFebruary 6, 2024140
2:17Viral VideosDiscover the enchanting world of Costasiella usagi: the adorable 3mm nudibranchFebruary 5, 202478
2:01Viral VideosHusband's heartfelt vows include emotional letter to bride's late fatherFebruary 5, 20248
3:02Viral VideosWoman documents 'panicking' experience of getting trapped in elevatorJanuary 25, 2024254
1:41Viral VideosAdorable 4-year-old's Hilarious Reaction Trying Sushi For The First Time!January 25, 2024884
1:03Viral VideosUnleashing The Power Of Hydrovac: Rapid Digging With A Pressure Washer!January 17, 202480
1:01Viral VideosSmart Dog Masters Button-controlled Food Dispenser For Efficient EatingJanuary 17, 202465
1:09Viral VideosHeartwarming moment 3-year-old brother puts 1-year-old sister to sleepJanuary 16, 2024134
1:07Viral VideosDriver's face goes full-panic after seeing katana-wielding homeownerJanuary 12, 2024277
1:09Viral Videos7-month old passes out after eating turkey leg during Thanksgiving dinnerJanuary 11, 20241,396
1:31Viral VideosCurious dog explores Lebanon museum and appreciates the various artworkJanuary 10, 202466
1:19Viral VideosParked Boeing 737 spins on runway as storm batters Argentina airportDecember 19, 2023241
2:06Viral VideosDeaf girl meets Santa properly for first time - thanks to signing elfDecember 15, 2023114
1:30Viral VideosFlight Attendants Create Special Surprise For Passengers Getting MarriedDecember 14, 2023100
1:04Viral VideosPet parrot gets jealous when owner shows bird sibling more affectionDecember 13, 2023193
1:19Viral VideosMan makes Kevin from Home Alone on the window of bathroom using shave foamNovember 29, 2023120
29Viral VideosOverprotective dog comes running when it hears cat sibling's meow for helpNovember 26, 2023313
5:07Viral Videos'You're not fat yet!' - 10 y/o's innocent reaction to mom's pregnancyNovember 24, 2023201
14Viral VideosLandlord shocked to find apartment overwhelmed with trash after tenant vacatesNovember 23, 20231,676
2:44Viral VideosExtreme low Landings at the third most dangerous Airport in the worldNovember 20, 2023182
1:21Viral VideosWatch As Glass Drips And Runs Over A Wood Board With Holes For An Amazing Effect!November 15, 2023284
32Viral VideosPrecious horse abandons all worry and comfortably falls asleep on caring humanNovember 12, 2023654
33Viral VideosDeer crashes into back of pickup truck as prospective buyer pulls up to view itNovember 8, 2023286
1:01Viral VideosWelder inspects and rates random welds at Six Flags amusement parkNovember 3, 2023408
1:33Viral VideosTruck Scrapes the entire length of the summer tunnel in MassachusettsNovember 2, 2023373
1:02Viral VideosHalloween enthusiast attracts Utah locals with stunningly decorated houseOctober 20, 2023825
1:01Viral VideosIntricate operation as colony of 30,000 bees removed from inside wallOctober 20, 2023283
2:02Viral VideosNew Yorker retrieves dropped AirPod from sewer only to drop it back in againOctober 19, 2023186
37Viral VideosWow! Brave man goes cage diving with great white sharks off the coast of MexicoOctober 19, 2023260
1:07Viral VideosBaby red squirrel found close to death nursed back to health by handOctober 12, 2023132
1:02Viral VideosGolden Retriever scoops sand into her sisters face - friendly fire!October 11, 20231,172
1:26Viral VideosBrave motorbike riders battle through surging flood on Thai mountainOctober 5, 202385
18Viral VideosCute bird has fun playing with robot vacuum while it cleans the houseSeptember 27, 2023147
57Viral VideosItaly's Mount Etna lets out huge clouds of smoke after violent eruptionSeptember 27, 2023622
28Viral VideosFlash flood knocks over cyclist as deluge swamps road in the PhilippinesSeptember 27, 2023132
20Viral VideosClever dog figures out how to crack walnut shells and discovers yummy treat insideSeptember 22, 20231,041
12Viral VideosFearless stunt rider's mid-air blunder results in GINORMOUS bike failSeptember 22, 2023557
47Viral Videos'Annoyed' Beluga whale snaps at tourists banging on aquarium's glass in TaiwanSeptember 22, 2023201
17Viral VideosEntitled giraffe casually steals food off tourist's lap during her safari visitSeptember 21, 2023747
35Viral VideosPlayful elephant slides down muddy hill on its knees after rain in ThailandSeptember 21, 2023349
29Viral VideosGirl's waterslide adventure ends with her getting tossed out of poolSeptember 21, 2023186
21Viral Videos'Can't let him out of sight!' - Reckless puppy jumps out of first-floor windowSeptember 21, 2023184
23Viral VideosHorse in complete awe of the beach forgets that he has a rider on his backSeptember 20, 2023365
43Viral VideosSpine-chilling footage from 9th floor shows INTENSE STORM wreaking havoc in Palma NovaSeptember 20, 2023355
10Viral VideosAustralian man's handstand attempt on kitchen counter ends up in broken dishesSeptember 19, 2023132
19Viral VideosBreakfast in bed! Funny dog won't eat unless owner brings food bowl to bedSeptember 19, 2023111
17Viral VideosDog owner shows difference between treat for her small chihuahua vs big Doberman PinscherSeptember 18, 2023179
09Viral VideosScary alligator creeps up behind Florida man showing off his catchSeptember 18, 2023308
1:55Viral VideosFearless bear walks right up to fisherman and steals one of his fishSeptember 18, 2023269
08Viral VideosNo gym membership? No problem! New Yorkers turn locked rental bicycles into stationary bikes for ...September 17, 2023358
51Viral VideosNailed it? Friends play "Is It Cake?" with hilariously unrealistic cakesSeptember 17, 2023584
11Viral VideosWoman ready for spooky season pets her dog with two fake skeleton handsSeptember 17, 2023351
19Viral VideosCute cat voices its displeasure when woman gets ready to leave for workSeptember 16, 2023361
09Viral VideosIntelligent cat gets automatic feeder to dispense food by unplugging itSeptember 16, 2023395
17Viral VideosWow! Windy weather produces gusts so strong that man can fully lean forward without fallingSeptember 16, 2023434
35Viral VideosHuge unguarded dam has became a hidden waterpark for locals in the PhilippinesSeptember 15, 2023879
22Viral Videos"Good scratch!" Adorable wombat rubs behind against rock to scratch an itchSeptember 15, 2023372
23Viral VideosFast-handed chef uses flamethrower to grill chicken while sprinkling on water to stoke flamesSeptember 15, 2023304
48Viral VideosChirpy pet cockatiel makes laugh-like sounds copied by voice-repeating toySeptember 5, 2023168
23Viral VideosMom desperately tries to get baby to say mama and ends up disappointedSeptember 4, 2023300
55Viral VideosHurricane Idalia brings storm surge waters to Florida residents' homesSeptember 4, 2023156
1:00Viral VideosFarmer records soothing 'life on a farm' sound compilation for wifeSeptember 1, 2023196
1:02Viral VideosUniversity student saves injured parrot laying on the campus groundAugust 23, 2023209
57Viral VideosMelted glacier causes river in Alaska to overflow, damaging multiple homesAugust 17, 20231,127
47Viral VideosFootage of van interior being deep cleaned will leave you incredibly satisfiedAugust 11, 2023284
44Viral VideosPet owner mistakes his huge pet owl spreading its wings for giant mothAugust 4, 20235,726
1:04Viral VideosLittle girl's arm nearly taken off by giant tarpon while feeding itAugust 4, 20233,020
2:48Viral VideosWoman lives in one of the world's most remote villages flies 200 miles to pick up takeawayJuly 26, 202384
1:42Viral VideosRoller coaster ride goes around hamster wheel at amusement park in TaiwanJuly 26, 2023236
1:24Viral VideosChemo patient celebrating last treatment overwhelmed by partner's surprise arrivalJuly 14, 2023168
1:05Viral VideosHero policeman rescues three cows stuck inside burning barn in WisconsinJuly 14, 2023325
1:51Viral VideosRoyal Flycatchers display their beautiful crests during the bird bandingJuly 14, 2023330
1:16Viral VideosTwo curious bears climb through open car window in Gatlinburg, TennesseeJuly 5, 2023297
1:23Viral VideosMonkey 'pirate' troop make escape by sea after trying to steal squidJune 30, 20231,329
1:40Viral VideosEngagement proposal on Atlanta-to-Cancun flight leaves bride-to-be awestruckJune 29, 2023192
1:01Viral VideosFirefighters rescue spooked horse that jumped into swimming pool in Florida, USJune 24, 2023232
2:09Viral VideosIndian bridge collapses for SECOND TIME and splashes into Ganges RiverJune 5, 2023386
5:15Viral VideosWindow cleaner pressure washes his hometown's filthy pavements, what a hero!May 25, 2023129
39Viral VideosDriver reversing out of driveway struggles to avoid plants and trash cansMay 25, 2023781
1:13Viral VideosLovely Frenchie has adorable reaction to seeing his 8-week-old daughterMay 23, 2023164
11Viral VideosKid's first-ever trail race ALMOST spoiled by slip up, he recovered well!May 17, 2023197
31Viral VideosWild bear climbs out of dumpster as terrified teachers flee in West VirginiaMay 15, 2023138
41Viral VideosLamborghini driver accuses cyclist of jealously after caught using phoneMarch 23, 20231,396
1:53Viral VideosCollapsing cliff creates mini tsunami in California's Van Duzen RiverMarch 17, 202328,249
07Viral VideosFrench bulldog dramatically gets kicked out of bed in middle of nightMarch 13, 20232,068
09Viral VideosLarge plane flies right above woman jogging outside Heathrow AirportMarch 12, 20234,867
12Viral VideosHusband caught passionately singing Whitney Houston while doing dishesMarch 2, 20231,815
1:21Viral VideosRescued baby elephant cools off while playing with wildlife worker in paddling poolMarch 1, 2023212
30Viral VideosScuba divers navigate through tight sun lit canyons in the Belize Barrier ReefMarch 1, 202377
4:38Viral VideosNursing home uses creative games to keep its residents fit and healthyMarch 1, 202394
31Viral VideosLoose tire appears out of nowhere and hits Canadian man's parked carFebruary 28, 2023172
27Viral VideosAdorable Golden Retriever hugs owner when he returns from from workFebruary 26, 2023186
1:05Viral VideosPet owner accidentally locks cat in fridge after feline wanders insideFebruary 18, 2023343
26Viral VideosOblivious sedan driver turns in front of truck and barely avoids fatal collisionFebruary 18, 2023143
29Viral VideosOut-of-control fishing boat rams ferry full of tourists travelling to Thai islandFebruary 18, 2023192
51Viral VideosUnplanned World War II bomb blast occurs in Yarmouth during detonation attemptFebruary 15, 2023138
27Viral VideosTypewriter artist creates flawless sketch of London's Royal Albert HallFebruary 14, 2023100
28Viral VideosMiso the cat climbs bunk bed ladder to cuddle with her little human!February 14, 202377
1:42Viral VideosCouple rescue four kittens trapped under car after hearing faint meow soundsFebruary 11, 202348
57Viral VideosSheep who thinks he's a dog has been trained to do a range of tricksFebruary 10, 2023108
4:24Viral VideosChinese spy ballon shot down over the coast off South Carolina by US jetFebruary 6, 2023217
1:58Viral VideosActor Ryan Gosling performs crazy stunt in Australia for movie 'The Fall Guy'January 29, 2023342
59Viral VideosWorkers find HUGE Cane Toad and named it Toadzilla cause of it's size!January 26, 2023199
2:01Viral VideosIncredible footage of a large tornado slowly crossing the road in Colorado, USAJanuary 23, 2023287
1:50Viral VideosLocals set free 4-foot-shark that was stranded on Daytona Beach, FloridaJanuary 17, 2023147
1:08Viral VideosDancer produces stunning routine after being challenged to dance with buskers in MadridJanuary 14, 2023276
57Viral VideosCurious orca breaks free from pod to spend time with tourists in the Gulf of CaliforniaJanuary 10, 2023134
14Viral VideosHusband hilariously scares wife, who breaks mirror with hammer due to frightJanuary 7, 2023196
1:38Viral VideosFrench dancer Yoann Bourgeois' performs incredible acrobatic routineJanuary 7, 2023322
06Viral VideosMan hilariously throws jug of water at huge car fire and achieves nothingJanuary 6, 202362
25Viral VideosLittle girl has sassy response after she was given an 'empty' birthday cardJanuary 4, 2023144
10Viral VideosHilarious male pheasant runs like road runner after the female pheasant.January 4, 2023104
17Viral VideosCheeky rat gorges on fried chicken in front of stunned diners at Malaysian restaurantJanuary 4, 202378
2:11Viral VideosLlama on the loose prompts police intervention in Fairfax County, VirginiaJanuary 3, 2023145
51Viral VideosCold loving dog insisted on staying outside in -40 degree temperaturesJanuary 2, 2023149
16Viral VideosDiver uses LIVING toothbrush as he lets fish clean his mouth underwaterDecember 31, 202288
31Viral VideosIngenious baby uses TOE to hold milk bottle in place while feeding herselfDecember 30, 2022175
14Viral VideosGerman hiker discovers the 'pathway to heaven' in the mountains of ItalyDecember 30, 2022102
1:36Viral VideosDriver shows off his off-road skills by powering through muddy ditchDecember 19, 202298
10Viral VideosDomino's delivery driver topples off moped while performing wheelieDecember 13, 2022363
6:14Viral VideosLearner driver freaks out as she gets behind the wheel for the first timeDecember 11, 2022132
1:15Viral VideosToddler insists that she has a boyfriend despite father's disapprovalDecember 9, 2022177
4:07Viral VideosFamily of five forced back into parents' house after cost of living crisisDecember 7, 2022204
28Viral VideosDetermined Sphynx will stop at nothing to get sock off her hooman's footDecember 4, 20222,360
1:06Viral VideosBritish Gas employee gets chased around property by homeowner's large dogsDecember 1, 2022158
1:10Viral VideosFox trashes family kitchen after creeping in at night and refuses to leaveNovember 30, 2022220
1:01Viral VideosSenior dog patiently waits by neighbor's front door until it finally notices it's at the wrong houseNovember 28, 2022297
3:25Viral VideosMystery as flock of sheep move in circle continuously for 12 daysNovember 27, 2022128
42Viral VideosHeartwarming moment tourists save sea turtle trapped in rope at beach in BaliNovember 26, 2022193
15Viral VideosPure chaos when a group of friends spot a rat inside their apartmentNovember 26, 202292
19Viral VideosUS convenience store fridge stays locked until customer can scan and verify IDNovember 26, 202298
1:08Viral VideosMetal detectorist finds $40,000 diamond ring buried on Florida beachNovember 24, 2022156
2:29Viral VideosRip-off World Cup? English fan stunned by huge hotel price hikes ahead of kick-offNovember 23, 2022222
2:01Viral VideosMeet the woman turning trash into treasure and making up to $4k a monthNovember 23, 202256
15Viral VideosTexan Dog with the ZOOMIES almost knocks over living room couch, but SAVES ITNovember 23, 2022152
2:10Viral VideosMeet the service dog that is trained to know when its owner is about to faintNovember 19, 202286
1:34Viral VideosFrench bulldog grabs student's skateboard and rides off like a proNovember 18, 2022260
25Viral VideosIncredible rescue team frees foal by getting its leg rid of plastic bottleNovember 12, 2022192
44Viral VideosPrankster wakes neighbours by luring flock of seagulls onto caravan roofNovember 11, 2022180
33Viral VideosRoti dough flies into customer's face after chef throws it into airNovember 11, 2022214
1:02Viral VideosJeweller combines wedding rings into one for man who lost his wifeNovember 10, 2022140
16Viral VideosFinnish drivers caught circling around a roundabout, what's going on?November 9, 2022183
10Viral VideosLook I can blow bubbles! Adorable dog loves blowing bubbles under waterNovember 8, 202296
12Viral VideosWoman finds dozens on thirsty frogs inside backhouse toilet in Australia homeNovember 7, 2022160
22Viral VideosGrumpy flower girl throws tantrum dumping basket of petals on wedding aisleNovember 6, 2022211
4:10Viral VideosRescued fighting dog who forgot how to bark finally gets his voice backNovember 6, 2022280
15Viral VideosDaredevil gets launched off catapult at top of New River Gorge BridgeNovember 4, 202289
1:46Viral VideosAcrobat climbs up 6-metre-long bamboo stick being held aloft by friendNovember 3, 2022164