Filipinos Party Through Flooded Street

Filipinos Party Through Flooded Street

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Residents paraded through floods for a street party during an awesome fiesta in the Philippines.

The locals celebrated the feast day of Saint John the Baptist despite the high tide inundating the roads outside their homes in Bulacan province on June 24.

Footage shows the Roman Catholic devotees dancing and singing with a marching band while carrying an image of the saint.

Resident Jennie Buenavista said: ‘It was a special day for us so nothing could stop us. We all marched to the church where there was also flood but we continued with a mass.'

John the Baptist is best known for baptizing Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.

The Philippines is the largest Catholic country in Asia and one of the largest in the world. With more than 300 years of Spanish colonial rule, Catholicism became deeply ingrained in Filipino culture, shaping social norms, politics, and daily life.

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Title: Filipinos Party Through Flooded Street
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