Crocodile Hitchhikes On Ship's Anchor

Crocodile Hitchhikes On Ship's Anchor

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A wild crocodile hitched a ride with a ship - by clinging onto the vessel's anchor.

Footage shows the reptile biting the end of the rope while floating through the water at a dock in Bontang on March 3.

The beast did not let go of the object despite the ship crew watching it from the vessel.

The animal stayed in position while being lightly pulled by the ship.

Crew member Iwan Suparno Tambunan said: 'We were about to leave and the crocodile just bit our rope. It thought it was a prey.'

Indonesia has large rivers, swamps, and mangroves that are perfect habitats for crocodiles to thrive. The warm tropical climate also helps them survive and reproduce easily.

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Title: Crocodile Hitchhikes On Ship's Anchor
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