Karate Cat Attacks Owner With Flying Kick || Newsflare

Karate Cat Attacks Owner With Flying Kick || Newsflare

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Publish Date:
August 9, 2024
Viral Videos
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This pet cat channelled her inner karate kid by delivering a surprise flying kick that left her owner both dazed and impressed.

The black feline appeared to be calmly watching her owner do her makeup before deciding to showcase her kung fu prowess out of the blue.

With impeccable timing, the cat unleashed a surprise flying kick to the woman's head inside her own home in Bangkok, Thailand.

The owner then immediately checked the mirror to assess potential damage from the feline's unexpected martial arts move. She was unharmed from the cat attack.

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Clip ID: 667409

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By: Newsflare
Title: Karate Cat Attacks Owner With Flying Kick || Newsflare
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=jtcp2cIaImA

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