Baby smiles hearing the voice of Ms. Rachel

Baby smiles hearing the voice of Ms. Rachel

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Steph Hayward's video captures a heartwarming moment between her toddler and the TV. Initially, the child is shown with back to the screen, seemingly disinterested.

However, when Steph turns on the show featuring Ms. Rachel, something magical happens. The moment Ms. Rachel's voice fills the room, the child's face lights up with a bright smile, radiating pure joy.

It's a simple yet powerful reminder of the profound impact that familiar voices and positive experiences can have on young minds.

This video exudes wholesomeness in its purest form.
Name: Steph Hayward
Location: United Kingdom

Filmed on: 2023-05-17

This footage is being managed exclusively by Newsflare. To license this video email [email protected] or call: +44 (0) 203 937 6280

Clip ID: 564111

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Title: Baby smiles hearing the voice of Ms. Rachel
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