Secrets That Came Out After Hugh Hefner’s Death

Secrets That Came Out After Hugh Hefner’s Death

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Did you know that Buck Rogers in the 25th Century’s Gil Gerard weighed 300 pounds only a mere decade after his time on that seminal series, or did you think that action stars couldn’t gain weight? Gil Gerard had been trying to become a star for years before finally being given the role of Buck Rogers on Buck Rogers in the 25th Century. After all the work that the star had put into his career up until that point, he likely felt that he had hit the jackpot with his new starring role. Although the series proved to be a cult phenomenon that is still talked about today, there were a variety of issues that prevented Gil from using the leverage of the show to become a bigger star after it eventually came to an end.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:44 - Body
07:17 - Outro

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The main things that kept Gil Gerard from finding future success after portraying Buck Rogers were personal problems. In addition to issues with his marriage, Gil also began suffering from problems related to addiction. Not only was Gil suffering from problems with substance abuse, but he also found himself obsessively consuming massive amounts of junk food. Thankfully, Gil decided to turn his life around in the 1990s, though his career was essentially over. Join Facts Verse as we explore how playing the character of Buck Rogers ended Gil Gerard’s career for good.

Secrets That Came Out After Hugh Hefner’s Death

By: Facts Verse
Title: Secrets That Came Out After Hugh Hefner’s Death
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