The classic sitcom Bewitched was one of the most popular shows of its day, with it becoming one of the ABC network's biggest hits during the 1960s. When the show was canceled in 1972 after being on the air for eight seasons, the network still felt that they weren't done with the intellectual property. The show had revolved around the characters of Samantha and Darrin, a married couple forced to deal with the fact that one of them is a witch. Of course, that witch was Samantha, though she tried to hide her powers for her husband’s sake.
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The reason that Samantha and Darrin worked so well as a couple was because they were in love. Like any married couple on a successful sitcom, Samantha and Darrin were given a few kids over the course of the show's run. These kids were Tabitha and Adam, with Tabitha coming first and Adam coming later. Actress Erin Murphy most popularly portrayed Tabitha. However, the network decided to replace Erin Murphy when giving Tabitha her own spin-off.
Five years after Bewitched came to an end, the ABC network decided to revisit the concept of the show with Tabitha, a spin-off centered on Samantha and Darrin’s daughter. Although the character would’ve only chronologically been 11 years old at the time that Tabitha began airing, those in charge made the odd creative choice of portraying the character as an adult. They did this thinking that audiences would relate to an adult Tabitha in the same way that they had related to Samantha. Despite the showrunner's best intentions, however, the viewing audience didn't.
In addition to copying the format of its parent series, Tabitha also took liberal inspiration from The Mary Tyler Moore Show. This unoriginality and other flaws combined to create a failed spin-off that only lasted 12 episodes before ABC pulled the plug. Join Facts Verse as we take a look at the Bewitched spin-off that you probably forgot about.
The Bewitched Spin-Off You Probably Forgot About
By: Facts Verse
Title: The Bewitched Spin-Off You Probably Forgot About
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