Steve McQueen Never Recovered from His Childhood Traumas

Steve McQueen Never Recovered from His Childhood Traumas

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Did you know that Steve McQueen grew up on the streets of Los Angeles and that he joined a gang at the age of 14? Thanks to such things as the daring motorcycle stunt that he performed in the timeless action blockbuster The Great Escape, Steve McQueen has gone down in Hollywood history as one of the manliest and most confident actors of all time. However, behind Steve’s confident and manly demeanor was a scared child desperate to prove himself. Steven had a tough childhood. Though this childhood only made him stronger on the outside, he could never overcome it internally. By the time of his untimely death, the actor was still trying to prove his masculinity to himself and the public.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Early Life
01:53 - Therapist Interview
03:30 - Homeless Teenage Years
05:02 - Acting Years
06:29 - Final Years
07:24 - Outro

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Steve McQueen was born to parents that didn’t want him. His mother was an alcoholic teenage prostitute, and his father abandoned both her and him when he was only a small child. Unsure of what to do, Steve’s mother ended up pawning the child off on one of his uncles. This uncle couldn’t do much for Steve, either. By the time he was a teenager, Steve had run away and was headed toward Los Angeles. There, he took up with a street gang while living a vagrant lifestyle. The future star could’ve easily gotten stuck in this position, but the thankfully managed to escape these dire straits by joining the United States Marines in 1947.

Steve stayed in the Marines for around three years before being honorably discharged. Both his time in service and his previous time on the streets of Los Angeles helped turn the future star into a hardened and chiseled young man that was ready to take the world by storm in the right way. He found his calling in the world of acting, though he was less passionate about the craft than he was about the beautiful women that could be found in the entertainment industry.

Steve McQueen went on to take Hollywood by storm. However, nothing the actor accomplished during his career got rid of the pain of his childhood trauma. Even up until the end, Steve was still trying to prove himself in the face of his insecurities. Join Facts Verse as we explore how Steve McQueen never recovered from his childhood traumas.

Steve McQueen Never Recovered from His Childhood Traumas

By: Facts Verse
Title: Steve McQueen Never Recovered from His Childhood Traumas
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