She Died 40 Years Ago, Now Her Daughter Confirms the Rumors

She Died 40 Years Ago, Now Her Daughter Confirms the Rumors

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Who’s your favorite international actor? Breaking into the industry in one country is difficult enough, let alone more than one.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:27 - Ingrid’s Early Life
01:45 - Becoming an International Star
03:15 - Scandal!
04:23 - A Contentious but Confident Comeback
05:15 - Ingrid’s Legacy
06:01 - What Does Her Daughter Think?
07:57 - Outro

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Ingrid Bergman managed to achieve that feat. She overcame the tragedy of losing her parents in her home country of Sweden to become a successful actress there. The only way to go from there was up and to America. A U.S. director loved her work in Intermezzo so much that he wanted her to be part of the English adaptation. That began her international success. Casablanca solidified her as an icon.

A massive scandal threatened to derail her career. An affair with an Italian director was so foreign to her good-girl image that it reached Swedish and American courts. This forever left a black mark on her reputation. It took years for her to get over it, but she eventually did. She worked in films and TV while facing breast cancer.

The world fell back in love with her by the time the news of her death broke. It was front-page news across two continents, and her memorials were flooded with paparazzi. More events were held in her honor one year later and on what would have been her 100th year. Ingrid’s daughter Isabella, who is also an actress, remembers her mother’s strength and courage. She remembers her as a force of nature who was gone for long periods but was captivating when she was home.

She also opened Mama’s Farm in New York. It has several themed rooms, but one honors her mother by featuring her beloved hats. She also says her spirit is always present there. Like and subscribe to FactsVerse for more on actors whose talents have spread across the world. Watch our video to learn what Isabella has to say forty years after her mother Ingrid Bergman’s death.


She Died 40 Years Ago, Now Her Daughter Confirms the Rumors

By: Facts Verse
Title: She Died 40 Years Ago, Now Her Daughter Confirms the Rumors
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