Lion forced to hide up tree by buffalo herd

Lion forced to hide up tree by buffalo herd

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A lone lion was forced to seek shelter on up a tree by a herd of 50 buffaloes before fighting them off one by one while standing behind a branch.

Matt Caldwell was on safari in Olare Motorogi Conservancy, Kenya, on November 14 when a pair of mating predators were rudely interrupted by a group of buffaloes.

Dramatic footage shows the lion initially fight back two bulls before eventually seeking safety up a tree barely big enough for him.

After clambering down from the creaking perch, the lion cleverly placed himself behind a fallen branch and batted off the buffaloes advances with his paws.

Matt said: We all watched on with utter disbelief as this unfolded before our eyes. I was absolutely fascinated and even burst out laughing at points.

When we came across the lions they were just about to mate, first image in the sequence, but as they did a herd of 50 buffalo appeared from lower down the hill.

For a while the lion chased the buffalo, the buffalo chased the lion and eventually the male lion jumped up a small acacia tree.

It was almost as though he did not even think about what he was doing. He laid down and wobbled before slowly making his way a bit further up.

The tree was far too small for him; we could hear the branch cracking from where we were sat.

The buffalo were watching him all this time and some even stood right under the tree looking up at the male lion.

After considering his next move for a while eventually the male lion jumped down and immediately turned and ran at the buffalo who retreated fast.

He then chose to use another fallen acacia tree to the side of the one he climbed as a barrier.

First, he jumped over it and attacked them and then stood behind the branch, seemed to taunt the buffalo and hit them with just one paw.

Eventually the buffalo decided all was safe and one by one walked back to the main herd.

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Title: Lion forced to hide up tree by buffalo herd
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