Hollywood Celebrities Who Suffer From Bipolar Disorder

Hollywood Celebrities Who Suffer From Bipolar Disorder

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Did you know that Frank Sinatra and Carrie Fisher both suffered from Bipolar Disorder and that Vivien Leigh's mental health got so dire that she began physically assaulting her fellow stars?

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Carrie Fisher
01:25 - Patty Duke
03:38 - Gene Tierney
04:08 - Vivien Leigh
06:47 - Frank Sinatra
07:42 - Outro

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Bipolar Disorder is far more common than most people realize. It's also nothing to be ashamed of. According to data provided by the National Institute of Mental Health, an estimated 4.4% of adults in the United States experience bipolar Disorder at some point in their lives.

Given the Disorder's prevalence in the population, it makes sense that many famous celebrities have been diagnosed with it. In recent years, quite a few of them have started speaking out about their challenges living with the condition.

Bipolar Disorder was previously known as Manic Depression. It's a mental health condition that, unfortunately, has come with a ton of unnecessary stigma. Just because one is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder doesn't mean that they are any less capable than anybody else. Many choose to cope with their condition through psychiatric medications, while others take a more holistic approach to managing their symptoms. Either way, celebrities with Bipolar Disorder have been able to accomplish just as much as any of their fellow Hollywood stars.

If you or someone you know is dealing with Bipolar Disorder, just know that you aren't alone. Join Facts Verse as we discuss several Hollywood Celebrities Who Suffer from Bipolar Disorder.

Hollywood Celebrities Who Suffer From Bipolar Disorder

By: Facts Verse
Title: Hollywood Celebrities Who Suffer From Bipolar Disorder
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfY3zyqZZkc

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