Gilligan’s Island Star Broke His Arm and Continued Filming

Gilligan’s Island Star Broke His Arm and Continued Filming

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FactsVerse Presents: Gilligan's Island Star Broke His Arm and Continued Filming.

In September of 1964, CBS broadcast the first episode of Gilligan's Island, and the show was an immediate success from the beginning. The viewers couldn't wait to see out what type of trouble their favorite castaways would get into each week, so they excitedly tuned in each week.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:19 - Body
07:18 - Outro

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As members of the audience, all we do is watch the great performances that the cast members provide; however, there is a significant amount of hard work and even risk involved behind the scenes. Both living on an island and producing a television show have their fair share of challenges. It is possible for a single actor's inability to complete a single shot to bring an entire production to a halt. Some actors have made a name for themselves by utilizing this as a power move. Such cannot be said about Alan Hale Jr, who played the role of Captain Minnow.

The cast and crew remembered him as someone who would do whatever it took to get his scenes filmed. Hale was seriously hurt during the filming of an episode but kept filming for the rest of the day despite the pain from his injuries. Another character in Gilligan's Island who also came close to suffering possibly the worst injury on set was Gilligan, played by Bob Denver. In "Feed the Kitty," Episode 24 of Season 2, Denver nearly becomes a lion's next meal.

The show centered on the massive animal, but production nearly ended in disaster. A loosely fastened bed saved him from the colossal lion. While the episode became a fan favorite, Bob Denver was only grateful that he managed to get through production without getting hurt. Given that Gilligan actually came dangerously close to being a lion's supper, the episode's title is ironic.

Gilligan’s Island Star Broke His Arm and Continued Filming

By: Facts Verse
Title: Gilligan’s Island Star Broke His Arm and Continued Filming
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