Diver encounters HUGE 5-metre long Siphonophore

Diver encounters HUGE 5-metre long Siphonophore

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#Siphonophore #sea #seacreature #bizarre #strangecreature
A marine biologist was delighted to encounter this bizarre dragon-like creature during a recent night dive in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Italy.

The footage shows Forskalia edwardsi which is actually a colony of several smaller predatory animals that thrive together.

"This siphonophore is the coolest one we have encountered to date, simply due to the fact it was colossal, around three to five meters long,"
said Alexander Semenov.

"Like other siphonophores, Forskalia consists of two parts: one provides movement, the other catches and digests food, glows, and reproduces," he added.

"The front part (nectosome) is arranged with numerous jellyfish domes (nectophores), which contract rapidly and drag the whole colony in the water column at a decent speed; the other part (siphosome) sticks out of the nectosome and is usually much longer, carries stinging tentacles, and helps with functioning," Semonov said.

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By: Newsflare
Title: Diver encounters HUGE 5-metre long Siphonophore
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuLmSLYKJ2Q

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