Disturbing Allegations Surface From Nancy Reagan’s Time in Hollywood

Disturbing Allegations Surface From Nancy Reagan’s Time in Hollywood

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Did you know that it’s been claimed that Nancy Reagan slept with Hollywood executives in order to get ahead in the days before she met Ronald, or did you think that the late former first lady truly represented conservative values? Before becoming first lady and president of the United States, Nancy and Ronald Regan were one of the most powerful couples in Hollywood. The two met while navigating the Hollywood scene, and both had already become notable celebrities by the time that they met and fell in love.

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00:00 - Intro
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07:02 - Outro

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Recently, the public has been digging up some dirt on late former first lady Nancy Reagan, and that dirt has to do with how exactly she became famous back before meeting Ronald. While Nancy’s mother was a good friend of Spencer Tracy’s and used nepotism in order to get her daughter’s foot in the door, many have also speculated that young Nancy wasn’t above performing sexual favors in order to get ahead in the industry once she’d already made her entrance. One man she was rumored to have performed sexual favors for during her Hollywood days was Benjamin Thou, who was the head of casting at MGM and was a bit of a sexual predator.

By some accounts, Nancy Regan was colloquially referred to as the “blowjob queen” by her peers in the industry due to her willingness to perform sexual favors in order to get ahead. However, this hopefully changed when she met and married Ronald Reagan. Join Facts Verse as disturbing allegations surface from Nancy Reagan’s time in Hollywood.

Disturbing Allegations Surface From Nancy Reagan’s Time in Hollywood

By: Facts Verse
Title: Disturbing Allegations Surface From Nancy Reagan’s Time in Hollywood
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzfaRkJKz_I

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