Christopher Walken Finally Breaks His Silence on Natalie Wood’s Death

Christopher Walken Finally Breaks His Silence on Natalie Wood’s Death

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Natalie Wood, a celebrated American actress, tragically passed away under mysterious circumstances on November 29, 1981. Her death occurred while she was on a weekend boat trip with her husband, actor Robert Wagner, her co-star Christopher Walken, and the yacht's captain, Dennis Davern.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:59 - Early Life
02:27 - Early Career
04:18 - Style and Legacy
04:53 - Christopher Walken Finally Breaks His Silence on Natalie Wood’s Death
07:30 - Christopher Walken Today
09:21 - Outro

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The events leading up to her death have been the subject of much speculation and controversy. The group had been drinking heavily the evening of November 28, and a reported argument broke out between Wagner and Wood. According to Wagner's account, he and Walken had a heated discussion about Wood's career, which led to Wood leaving the room and going to bed. Sometime later, Wagner realized she was missing.

Wood's body was discovered floating face down in the Pacific Ocean, about a mile away from the yacht, the Splendour. An inflatable dinghy was found nearby, suggesting she might have tried to leave the yacht. The initial coroner's report ruled her death as an accidental drowning, with contributing factors of hypothermia and alcohol intoxication. The report noted that she had several bruises on her body, which were attributed to her possibly falling overboard and struggling in the water.

However, lingering questions about the exact circumstances of her death persisted for decades. Davern claimed there had been a violent argument between Wagner and Wood before she went missing.

In 2018, the case was reclassified again, with Wagner named as a person of interest, though he has consistently denied any involvement. The investigation into Natalie Wood's death remains open, and while no new definitive evidence has come to light, the case continues to captivate the public's imagination, blending Hollywood glamour with enduring mystery. The discussion about her death keeps continuing and Robert Wagner still gets questioned. But now, one other person has finally decided to speak his mind.

Christopher Walken Finally Breaks His Silence on Natalie Wood’s Death

By: Facts Verse
Title: Christopher Walken Finally Breaks His Silence on Natalie Wood’s Death
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