Celebrities Who Died in December 2021 (Tragic Deaths)

Celebrities Who Died in December 2021 (Tragic Deaths)

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RIP to these celebrities who died in December 2021. ?

00:00 - Tommy Lane
0:51 - Eddie Mekka
1:41 - Cara Williams
2:31 - Michael Nesmith
3:22 - Bridget Hanley
4:12 - Sally Ann Howes
5:02 - Jack Hedley
5:53 - Wanda Young
6:43 - Nicholas Georgiade
7:34 - John Madden

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Facts verse presents celebrity deaths in 2021. These celebrity deaths in the news are devastating to fans around the world. While there are many celebrities who died in 2021, the celebrity deaths this month are sure to shake you to the core. Celebrities who died this month include legends like John Madden, Eddie Mekka and more. Deaths in 2021 have now come to a close, so we must pay respect to celebrities who died in 2021 so far. Celebrity deaths in December 2021 are truly heartbreaking.

By: Facts Verse
Title: Celebrities Who Died in December 2021 (Tragic Deaths)
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=HBNuOGTL2Vc

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