Ava Gardner’s Deathbed Confession Revealed the Shocking Truth

Ava Gardner’s Deathbed Confession Revealed the Shocking Truth

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Who is your favorite Old Hollywood beauty? The era left fans spoiled for choice. Ava Gardner won the gene lottery but wasn’t lucky in other areas. She had the look to sparkle in Hollywood, but the trouble was getting there.

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:20 - Before the Men and the Fame
01:00 - Her Relationship With Mickey
01:42 - Other Men
02:37 - Her Relationship With Frank
04:03 - Ava’s Regrets
04:36 - Writing Her Secret Confessions
05:45 - Mickey’s Unfaithfulness
07:06 - Frank’s Involvement
07:44 - Outro

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She grew up in the country, and her accent almost made her fail all her screen tests. No one could look away when she did a silent screen test, and she worked hard to get rid of her accent.
Everyone took notice when she walked onto the studio lot. The first was Mickey Rooney, a short but powerful staple of the era. He was entranced by her the day he saw her, but infidelity broke them apart. Then there was a string of other men who were either uninteresting to her or downright abusive. Everything changed when she met Frank Sinatra. Their relationship was heated but passionate. It ended on a sour note, but they remained friends for the rest of their lives.

Ava’s star sadly began to fade in her final days. A stroke left her half-paralyzed, and she began to regret not spending more time cultivating a true family. She wasn’t getting any acting jobs and had to come up with something to earn money. The choice was between writing her memoirs and selling her jewels, and she decided to keep the jewelry. The book took a while to get made due to opposition from outside. Her ghostwriter Peter Sellers eventually published it before his death. It gives a closer look into all her deepest secrets, including how she felt about her life and each of her many romantic relationships.

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Ava Gardner’s Deathbed Confession Revealed the Shocking Truth

By: Facts Verse
Title: Ava Gardner’s Deathbed Confession Revealed the Shocking Truth
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=W3urmtdpx-8