6 Classic Talk Shows That Captured Shocking Moments on Camera

6 Classic Talk Shows That Captured Shocking Moments on Camera

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The talk show is a great American institution and talk show hosts have provided a window into the lives of some of the most fascinating and important people on earth. The talk shows that we now consider being classics informed us, entertained us, moved us, and every now and then – shocked us!

▬Contents of this video▬
00:00 - Intro
00:17 - #1 Muhammad Ali and Joe Frazier
01:15 - #2 Iceberg Slim on Joe Pyne
02:21 - #3 David Susskind Discussing Gay Life
03:10 - #4 Firing Line and the Republic of New Africa
04:18 - #5 John Lennon Reveals He Was Being Watched
05:01 - #6 Tony Brown and Thomas Sowell
05:54 - Outro

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So what are the classic talk shows that captured shocking moments on camera? These shows included favorites like The Dick Cavett Show – which was often family-friendly, but every once in a while had a moment that would surprise us or even frighten us. There was also David Susskind, a pioneer of the talk show who wasn’t afraid to discuss taboo topics of the time.

The same goes for Joe Pyne. Perhaps a precursor to the “shock jock” he wasn’t afraid to discuss difficult topics and he was responsible for bringing widespread attention to a novelist who had quite a colorful and shady past.

William F. Buckley Jr. hosted Firing Line – arguably one of the best talk shows ever produced in the country. His style of interviewing was informative and at times confrontational. But his style brought forward some of the most pressing conversations in the country and in the world – something that we seldom see done so well today.

Of the many controversial interviews he conducted, one was with Milton Henry – a radical who wanted to secede from the United States to create The Republic of New Africa. It gave us a shocking view of race relations in the country at the time. Perhaps this interview inspired later talk show hosts to give similar interviews to similar radicals.

There were also talk shows that were a bit more laid back, but nevertheless discussed topics that as a society we were all uncomfortable discussing. Dr. Thomas Sowell’s appearance in Tony Brown’s Journal is one such classic example.

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6 Classic Talk Shows That Captured Shocking Moments on Camera

By: Facts Verse
Title: 6 Classic Talk Shows That Captured Shocking Moments on Camera
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxNgUWL9txU

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