Aoi Miyazaki plays an office worker named Meiko who, having become frustrated with the daily grind, quits her job of two years. The situation puts an added strain on her relationship with Taneda (Kengo Kora), a job-hopping part-timer who clings to a dream of a career in music even though he's not working very hard toward that goal. The two became a couple during their college days and have recently been living together in a small Tokyo apartment, but their uncertain future raises questions of whether they're actually cut out for full-fledged adult life. Taneda and his bandmates—each with their own issues adjusting to adult life—write an introspective song called "Solanin" and record a demo as Meiko enjoys some quality slacker time at home. Unfortunately, Taneda is involved in an accident, and Meiko decides it's her duty to take over his spot in the band.
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