Can a Shark Smell a Drop of Blood in the Water?

Can a Shark Smell a Drop of Blood in the Water?

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The chances that one day you will encounter a shark are minuscule, small, shall we say, teeny tiny. And still, there are dozens of frightening myths surrounding these predators, even though most of them are misconceptions. For example, everybody knows that sharks have a very developed sense of smell that’s hundreds of times stronger than yours. It's probably no wonder that sharks can detect tiny amounts of different substances in the water, right? But what about the belief that sharks can smell a drop of blood from miles away? Is it true? And how much time will you need to get back to the safety of the beach and get a band-aid if you, say, cut your foot on a sharp stone while swimming in the ocean?

Title: Can a Shark Smell a Drop of Blood in the Water?
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