10 Animals With the Strongest Bite

10 Animals With the Strongest Bite

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Animals can be cute and cuddly or vicious and bloodthirsty… and guess which type we’re going to be exploring today…
That’s right, today we will be looking at the deadliest predators on this planet, not only that, but we will also be looking at how much damage their jaw can actually inflict on their victim or prey. Being their only weapon, it goes without saying that it should be extremely durable.
To put all of these strong bites in perspective, we will look at one of the weakest and smartest animals on this planet and its bite force… it’s called the human, you might have seen it before. Anyways, the bite force of a human jaw has only 160 PSI (pound- force per square inch). Not that we have our yardstick, let’s look at how the rest of the animal kingdom compares to humans… number one will be a shocker.

Title: 10 Animals With the Strongest Bite
Sourced From: www.youtube.com/watch?v=aWyMF601lcM

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