Our Kitchen Remodel, My Sink, Stove and New Amazon Prime Finds.

Our Kitchen Remodel, My Sink, Stove and New Amazon Prime Finds.

9,735 View

Publish Date:
July 14, 2023
Amazon Prime
Video License
Standard License
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Time to visit our storefront here:
This is going to be a great opportunity given to us by Amazon! Collard Valley Cooks is an Amazon Influencer and they have invited us to participate in a giveaway for our viewers! They are going to give us 2-$500 gift cards to give out to two lucky viewers!
There are requirements:
(1) Winners must engage with your content (this can be a like, repost, comment- up to you!

(2) Winners must follow our influencer store here: https://www.amazon.com/shop/influencer-9a7b68fd?ref_=cm_sw_r_cp_ud_aipsfshop_aipsfinfluencer-9a7b68fd_8YWZF8STXBXP58HB6TKG

(3) Winners must share the post with at least one friend (the more the merrier!)