Amusing footage shows tiny mouse tidying up pensioners garden shed

Amusing footage shows tiny mouse tidying up pensioners garden shed

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This adorable mouse is making sure that this garden shed is SQUEAKY clean, in incredible footage captured after a pensioner noticed his things were being moved around.

Retired postman Rodney Holbrook, 75, couldn't believe his eyes when he spotted the adorable mouse moving items left behind from a DIY task around the shed, and clearing them neatly into a box.

After experiencing some unusual goings-on overnight in his shed, Rodney set up a camera to see what or who was behind the items being moved around his workspace.

And to his amazement, the cute creature can clearly be seen sorting the mess left behind after Rodney's handiwork, and now the pensioner says that he never bothers to tidy up as he knows the mouse will sort it out.

In a list that reads like an episode of the Generation Game, the tiny mouse can be seen giving Rodney's workbench the once over, picking up items including clothes pegs, screwdriver, plant pot trays and corks into a pot in the middle of the table.

In one funny moment, the mouse can be seen grappling with a cable tie which he eventually places in the tub, while in another sweet scene, he pulls pieces of string into the box as though he were the first mate on a boat.

By the end of the secretly filmed video, the mouse has dramatically improved the mess on the table, ready for Rodney to discover in the morning.

Rodney, who lives in Buithwells, Powys, Wales, said: "It has been going on for about two months, I call him Welsh Tidy Mouse. At first, I noticed that some food that I was putting out for the birds was ending up in some old shoes I was storing in the shed, so I set up a camera to see what was going on.

"I couldn't believe it when I saw that the mouse was tidying up, he moved all sorts of things into the box, bits of plastic, nuts and bolts. I don't bother to tidy up now, as I know he will see to it."

The amazing footage brings to mind the Beatrix Potter story The Tailor of Gloucester, in which a team of mice work together throughout the night to secretly help the tailor complete an outfit.

Rodney added: "It really was amazing to see the footage, some of the things that it tidies away are really unusual, I think he would tidy my wife away if I left her in there! It's happened practically every night now for two months."

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Clip ID: 617340

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Title: Amusing footage shows tiny mouse tidying up pensioners garden shed
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